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The MArteLive MAnuals

In this section you will find 3 manuals produced by the MArteLive Europe team in 2022.
The MArteLive MAnuals are a great tool for new event organisers who want to organise festivals and contests at European and international level.

The MAnual of the MArteLive Contest is a handbook for cultural operators wishing to discover talented artists from different geographical and artistic backgrounds and to organise a multidisciplinary contest at European level.
The MAnual answers the question “how to do it”. How to identify artists? What kind of location is needed? How to organise the event? How to manage artists on site?

What’s in it for me?
– If you are a cultural operator or an artist, you might want to implement the MArteLive format in your venue.
– If you are the head of an event organisation that wants to get involved.
The MAnual is curated by the Procult Association, lead partner of the MArteLive Europe project, which gave artists from across the EU and beyond the opportunity to showcase their talent and build artistic cooperation.
This MAnual was realised with love and dedication by Lune Fe Magrini and Glauco Di Mambro.

The Art in Progress MAnual is a handbook intended for cultural operators who would like to attract talented artists from diverse geographical and artistic backgrounds to reinterpret to adapt the format of this artistic residence in their context.
The MAnual responds the to the question “how to”. How to identify artists? How to book a relevant place? How to organise the Artistic Residence? How to manage the artists on site?
What is in it for me?
– If you are a cultural operator or an artist, you may like to implement the Art in Progress format in your own place, or develop collaboration with other cultural operators who would like to renew the experience which
– If you are a collective of artists who would like to extend invitation to collaborate for other artists – If you are leading a historical place, a castle, an industrial wasteland, an ex theatre, an occupied cinema, an abandoned windmill… your place has a story to tell.
The MAnual is supervised by Artnova Foundation, as one of the partners of the MArteLive Europe Project, which gave the opportunity to artists from the whole Union and beyond to showcase their talent and build artistic cooperation.
This MAnual has been crafted with love and dedication by Jeremiasz Misiak, founder of Artnova Foundation, Joanna Longawa, journalist and art curator, Karim Galici, art director and Jean-Marc Thiébaut, serial inventor.
Buckle up and enjoy the trip! The Art in Progress team

The Suspended Tickets MAnual is a handbook for cultural operators who wish to use an alternative fundraising strategy and attract a wider audience for their events.

“Suspended ticket”: what is it?

It’s a fundraising strategy. The suspended ticket approach is a business model innovation that allows operators of the cultural and creative sector to diversify funding sources and increase self-financing. Suspended tickets will support both emerging artists’ registration costs AND tickets for the general audience of the MArteLive events.

The suspended ticket approach comes from a solidarity tradition in Naples, Italy, called “suspended coffee”: when you go to a bar, you drink ONE coffee but you pay for TWO. Then the barman offers the second coffee to someone who cannot afford it. This concept can be applied for audience development in order to foster inclusion of marginalized audiences or emerging artists.

Artistic Startup

A practical guide on how to place yourself
within the market and self-promote your artistic project

After reading these few pages, you’ll have an overview of the basic tools
useful to an emerging artist, regardless of your artistic discipline,
in order to distinguish yourself and promote your activity efficiently.

Previously, the term Startup referred to companies involved in IT and technology business. However, today we think about startups as new young companies taking their first steps into the business world. 

You are probably thinking: that’s interesting. And so what? What’s in it for me? 
I am an artist, not a startupper!!
Here we go! 

In this small e-book you’ll find key tips from the startup world, which may actually help you in the artistic journey.
After reading these few pages, you’ll have an overview of the basic tools useful to an emerging artist, regardless of your arti